Tag Archives: review

How To Catch The Kiddy Porn Pedos

1.) Bungy Cords at Big Five Sporting Good Stores. They bungy cord childrens ankles together

2) Pinking Sheers At Joann Fabrics. They Cut Off Clitoruses With This is Illegal FGM

3.) Pad Locks they buy at drug stores, They pad lock white dog muzzles on victims they sex torture

4.) They buy White Dog Muzzles and other colors at Pet Stores

5) Plastic Shipping Straps They pick up at the Greyhound Bus Depots.

6) Razors they buy in markets and many stores, five pedo girls at a time buy 5 packs of razors or one with a single blade.

7) Ked shoes they buy at Ked Stores

8) New cars they get on auto rows, that have no liscense plate and a paper tag in the window.

9) They have their photo laminited and wear this around their necks.

10) They carry clip boards

11) They wear many types of Nurse Costumes.

12) They have local computer techy work apartments they sex torture people in and they should be sniffed out and people they muderered are in their apartment dumpsters.

13) They have victims in duffle bags in their apartments.

14) 9 sit parked in the new cars with no underwear on and scrub gowns they have children do oral sex to them under them in the back seat and video it on cells.

15) They sex torture kids and do kiddy porn in the back of suburbans in 9 houses around parks, and in other types of cars trucks vans parked.

16) They drink alcohol in the cars and have open alcohol bottles.

17) They shoot up meth heroin and do cocaine on the car dashbords and say they sniff toot and are drunk as skunks flashing their hairless vaginas on cells, telling men they can cop a feel

18) They have ipads, and say they are on doodle pads a doodiing away logging notes and hack and rob paypal on ipads.

19) The nurse uniforms are many styles bought at Uniform store that may be fed exed to their apartments.

20) There are 5 girls in an apartment in 5 buildings on a street times 8 or 9 streets in one area, and they lie they save children in their apartments and sex torture and murder them to get shoot up with meth and heroin, and they are in meth euphoria with a one mind tract vagina mind, its all they think of and do oral sex to each other in cars parked.

21) There are 49 to 89 of them in on area times 4 areas of The San Fernando Valley, California, Los Angeles County and in surrounding areas there are the same number of them and there are 89 times 2 areas in 10 States Nevada Arizona, Utah, North Carolina, Tenn, Ohio Colo, South Dakota, NYC.

22) They are 18 and 23, 29, 31 mostly and 33 to 35 approximately and 9 moms who are child molestor junky sex addicts are in each group.

23) They say they are County Worker assistants helping people, they lie they are covering to help people and even wear Candy Striper dresses and act like they are doing charithy work so no one suspects them, they say they are coot kids from the suburbs so wholesome and nice, and fool people, and murder victims under everyones noses.

Follow the tips, find them, match up the places named to see its them, search them for underwear pubic hair, do a breathalizer on their mouth to see they drive drunk, check for needle junky marks on necks, bottom of their feet, and they can be caught finally then 200 child molestor serial killers could be caught in the San Fernando Valley, by catching one, and then they can be caught all over California and in the other 9 States they murder in by the worst sex toturing says God and Jesus says they are in beige cars sedans tinted windows today parked literally yelling out windows saying they are all a screamin at the top of their mere quint little ol me lungs, they are lying they do save life work and are the real hated killers so hated by Jesus and by God who says someone just search them for underwear

The Antichrists Game

My Prophetic writing has reported a cult and I am sure is hard for many to comprehend or fathom so many could fall into this with such naivety and stupidity, the cult who is heartless and so sinful sex torturing and killing so many people and they think their saving life on earth by murdering victims and others think their helpful by stealing from people and by lying about them when obviously helping people would be to say positive truthful words about others as character assassination ruins livelihood and just talking bad about someone is wrong as it’s better to keep mouths shut as the old saying goes if you cannot say something nice about someone do not say anything at all and it seems the cult falls for crazy job descriptions in writing that they are paid stolen money to do, the readings say they tell people to set family’s up to run them out of house and home and that that’s helping when it’s not helping at all, it’s harming family’s and they lie framing people, forcing shots and to hotels is helping, when its framing innocent people to get them handcuffed to kidnap them for human trafficking and it’s shooting people up with illegal drugs to get people wasted who do no drugs and kids die from their shots and all could die just from an allergic reaction or over dose if it was real medication and that’s cruel and inhuman to force medication on people and my readings say that’s what they do to kidnap people to hotels for human sex trafficking and to sex torture and murder them is why they take people by the Governments force so they are helpless and that’s why they take money from them emails and work calls by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and why they lie about people on messenger to turn the world so no one will be supportive of the targeted individuals, framed parents who are all victims being robbed, all they earn is stolen away and their lied about and made vulnerable by this devil cult as victims in danger of kidnapping, gang raping murders and all should see them as ones who people should take a stand for, they should speak highly of them, speak up for them, take their side, make sure their money is not stolen, and stop people from lying about them and it’s safer if the victims in danger are public and known so they cannot be kidnapped and missing and people should hang up on

This cult is fueled by the devil’s game of trickery and many who are nieve and sinning have fallen into this cult my readings say and this is a trick and a game to get people to sex traffick sex torture and murder them. This is run by the antichrist family of homosapians who torture the most innocent people on earth and they will say and do anything to get people and have many in their wicked game, in a large cult made up of many components and people of all types who assist with framing fraud slandering robbery and kidnappings and many are nieve and fooled and think they are helping when helping people would be to leave them alone, to stay out of their business and to not say an I’ll word about them to just go away, and readings say they tell the cult what everyone is doing and they vote on it and give their unwarranted opinion that would be unwanted by the person as people’s lives are supposed to private on phones and the Internet and they expose what people do in private and pay them money to be in their cult and many fools do this for money and think it’s fun voting and to be sent money and gifts they have stolen from and they vote on what robbed victims are doing and it’s all a game of robbery kidnapping and murder by many cult components and they are;

The antichrist family who got Government agency jobs and say their Secret Service in home investigation units, Service Men who install soy cam hacking bugging surveillance on the most innocent honest best people as it’s all a game. They have jobs as CPS DCFS case workers and CPS DCFS watch dogs and pretend they do a job to help people when it’s to frame them rob them kidnap them gang rape sex torture them and kill them They pretend they cover on security cameras to protect people and they stalk on them.

Many are brainwashed as kids who they lied to and told them that mothers who orgasm are bad persons when the cult person’s are the bad persons for spying on couples making love, they are bad sinners for looking and they are awful to exploit people and that sets up kidnappings gang raping sex torture murders as their the devil’s assistants and brain washed to think committing an fgm sin of cutting off God’s creation a clitorus he designed with seventy eight hundred nerve endings is saving life on earth when they are to procreate and to relieve stress and for heath and longevity and readings say the antichrist tells his cult to not read fact information which states orgasms are normal and he’d trained a fierce cult to hate mothers who have orgasms and who have passion and he lies if a mom has testosterone it means she’s a bad person when research says females have this starting at puberty and all that’s normal they lie is wrong and lie a mom is a sex addict if she orgasms and has passionate sex when how a person is in love making does not make them a sex addict and they tell the cult to follow their guidelines and not scientific research and facts and make them hate moms who are like this and they sit around staring at couples having intercourse by their soy cam peeping tom footage and they stare and get angrier and angrier at the intercourse and orgasms they watch and are told that means their bad persons if they do that and that they have Serpent DNA and they are killing off this breed of bad persons mothers like this and all their children and that is a save life mission and they get many into this cult who are passionless prudes who think a love making act that lasts a few minutes is bad is they are religious and raised to not let their man see their body in the day and to not wear undergarments he would like to see that there is only one love making position and that a woman should not show a fraction of her cleavage and the religious women in this cult hate them so much because of the way they are that they see in spy cams moms in love with their eyes shut not even thinking about anything as their in a blissful state and they sit staring with such hatred at peeping tom the antichrist put in so they would hate the nice good moms and want to do them in to take their babies toddlers children away because they hate them for the way they are in what’s supposed to be a private love making act and they hate them for not being the way they are raised in their religion to be, Jewish faith, Born Again, Christian, Catholic, Jehovah’s Witness, and Mormon when they were not raised in their religion they never heard of their religious laws and therefore do not follow them and they think someone passionate is erotic and they think love making is hot nasty in and out sex and they think a beautiful camisole is worn for a hot time when it’s one worn on a honeymoon night and the antichrist brain washed them to think mom’s like this are floozys and bad persons and puts spy cams in houses and apartments to make his cult hate the mom’s by what they see in spy cams thats supposed to be private and he makes them so mad they run around stealing mail and the family pets and plant gin in garages they break in and lie about them on messenger and set nice mom’s up to the their kids away and hate them so much they want to get them adopted out and take mom’s underground to cut their clitoris off so they can’t do that and they read framing reports the devil’s crew’s make up and pass them on with hatred to do them in and many youths are Braun washed and told mom’s who orgasm and who have sex in the day are bad persons and their conservative mothers tell them those mom’s are bad for being that way they should only have sex at night in the dark and not moan and they should not lay on their backs and the targeted mom’s never heard of this and the youths in this cult say their moms say their bad and their bad if they get divorced or are unwed and their bad for having sets of bras and underpants that match that they have always had in their lives and to them it’s normal and proper and it’s sinful for so called religious people to judge others

The youths of mom’s who hate certain mom’s so much want to take their kids from them by setting up nice good moms to cps and dcfs and the antichrist wants these youths to do oral sex orgasm torture to the mom’s they hate and to all their kids of all ages in front of her to punish her because of the way she is and to do FGM to all of them to dead child traffick the kids they made orgasm to death while they yelled ” you were born to a bad person to a stinken cummin time mom who had nasty and out layin on her back so lay flat on your backs we are doing this to you and your stinken mom til your dead because shes named a bad person”.