Tag Archives: life

How They Take People To Human Sex Torture Them

They are sending out letters to get people to human sex torture them

The letters say

The following individuals named on enclosed lists need medical attention by us CPS DCFS with Department of Health and Welfare case worker R N Nurses and our Nurse assistants taking them into our medical observation unit Vans parked in our desiginated parking spots at many Schools and we have observed vaginal canal infections yeast infections, inflamed clitourses that are swollen some with pus coming out of their private tender vagina area and we must take the Moms from Class where they are Students at Universitys where we sit parked waiting, and we shall take the babys toddlers children up to age 9 or 10 to our Vans and get the Moms by us DCFS CPS taking them with papers to take custody away, and the Teachers are instructed to sign the babys toddlers children out of classes, and we shall do medical exams in our Vans as we see the moms are infected and say they have a bad sex life and are too sexy looking to be a nice mom anway, and we say they got sex problems by our in home investigation spy cam viewing, by spy cams we placed on ceilings over beds, and in shower heads and everywhere to observe them, and if they are having a hot kinky sex time and cumming alot our word for orgasms, we say thats a sex problem, and check to see if they are infected and have displayed the photos in the file for all to see to know they got infected vagina canals and say their kids of all ages should not reside with them as we decide by our so keen spy cam observaion, and if five or more call in the kids never remain with the mom, and thats our women who Patrol houses and apartments who jote down notes and logs on notepads, ipads in cars, and on spiral pads, and the hand written notes we read to see what the Moms have been doing, and the notes say they were out carousing, hearing music play, dancing, and they display their clothes they take from houses and apartments to show they dress too sexy to be a nice mom, and we decide by this also, and the spy cam shots are attached for you to view to see for yourselves and to know DCFS CPS will be taking custody away, and we are taking the Moms and the babys tots kids for a PAP smear in our Vans, and do a warm wash with a soft rag, and then adopt them out and take the Moms for clitoral removals, as its also our save life mission to rid this type from the population as sexy moms who cum are ones to infect the population.

The photos are photo shopped photos, they edit props in them, and clothes lingerie props they photo shop into them, they add flashing lights, and make it look like nice Moms and Dads making love had hot lusty sex when they did not, its love making peeping tom thats photo shopped to fool everyone, and they frame moms with the clothes they steal from their houses and apartments that they never return and should be charged for theft, and the stolen property should be returned to the Mothers they robbed it from by breaking in nice family homes and apartments to do this wicked peeping tom exploation framing to them, and they lie they wear outfits they never wore put clothes and shoes together all wrong to make it look like they dress too sexy, and they do close ups on love making and lie its a hot sexy time, when its normal intercourse love and romance behind closed doors in the master bedroom nice parents in love they do this to to get their kids to molest them and to sex torture gang rape child traffick them to dead child traffick them to put them in great dane dog kennel cages for kiddy porn movies, and this is how they get them for human sex torturing says God and Jesus says the packs of one track vagina mind molesters are seen as little girls ages 12 and up many are really 15 to 16 years old who molest babys vaginas daily that they keep in play pens, and say they got the nice moms penned in up top, by them a gang stalkin in new cars they got at many car lots by lying thats their son of God account funds and really they heist the millions each day at bank parking lots by security cameras they see the armed transport money coming, and run and do bank robbery bank Heists of the worst kind the biggest bank robberys in California and in North Carolina where they stalk in many open back trucks with no underwear on ever at all loaded on meth and heroin drinking and driving in short jean skirts long ones wrap around skorts there and in California is their standard pedo molester uniform and they are 27 to 29 mostly in L A County many are 30 with waxed pussys they say about their private area that they put mashed cottage cheese on and movie make up blood and video this on their cells, then print photos and attach them to the DCFS molester fake reports they send to many Schools to get babys tots kids to eat their vaginas out as its all the DCFS molesters think of, and all their accomplises think of who all 29 eat out DCFSs vagina as their harem in their local work computer apartment and they are parked all over many towns in L A County in the San Fernando Valley, California there are 8 pedo molesters underwearless parked drinking and doing toot they name it and they are shot up with lots of meth and addicted to this sex drive drug therefore all they think of is eating out vaginas, and they are 30, 5 of them and many are 12 to 16 I say again so people think they are such nice kids, and they say they are paid to do this eat out vagina work to make babys tots young kids and moms cum to make the moms suffer for being a sexy type, and they are told if a mom looks a wee tad bit sexy they are to loose full custody and their own moms molest the people with them who are many that are hypocrites, as they are sexy looking in their lives, and some work out to have a good body, have boob jobs are some parked right now, and some have dyed white platnum hair, toe heads also, red haired, and they played loud sexy music in thier cars when their kids were young, and others who gawk at people in in the nude spy cams have large breasts, big hair does, piles of make up and look sexier than all the nice moms they lie about, and the evils on patrol lie in logs, and they all lie to get people to human sex torture them and to murder them in the coldest darkest blood I Jesus demand they are searched right now for underwear. Amen

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The Pedo Girls On Meth Are Killing 49 More Baby’s

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They are yelling lay down lay down lay flat right now you stinken dam brats so we can give you head piled on you in a naked suburb pack you tem months old we brought up from our hacker rooms underground to do this to you til you are all stinken dam day say about 15 girls killing more babies in 5 local work apartments

They say they are also taking people randomly from Ventura Blvd pulling cars over by honking and say they work for Bob Fine? the Japan Sting investigating and they do not work for him probably he’s covering to stop these busy body noisys a two or more lies conspiracy thats then the suburb yuppies pedo child molestor girls canablisrs man eating monsters addicted to doing oral sex torture to victims private areas on meth

They are saying they are told to grab random people to eat them out and took five people to murder them from Ventura Blvd the readings say

They are murdering around 49. 10 month olds right now that they had in play pens where they did baby porn teens eatung out baby’s in ten small beds and the teens are 15 on a school class pass training to hack with the young adult pedos and their 9 child molestor mom’s and older business women who are addicted to being shot up with meth in the back of their neck sex tiorrtung victims

People do not suspect then because they act kind and joke all around and lie they are just kidding and say take the pay and really fine gifts as a nice soft gesture

They are saying lay down and murdering babies says God and Jesus and they are by the L A River in Studio City by the freeway to Ventura Blvd and Vineland

Their all over The San Fernando Valley and sat they work for authority’s in their suburb areas that are 40 miles yonder who think they are nice kids covering,

They started School in 1997 2000 2001 and went to several school districts in the suburbs around the County Line Ventura County

They say their in 5 apartments on every street where they rent and bought many apt buildings and say they do not give a flyin F as that is their mission to eat out little mere bablas til their dam raw say a pedo serial killer who says one knows its them and has been for so long mass murdering by sex torturing private areas and they say their coverin for safety and lie about people on messenger all day and night and say wa wa boo hoo, and say their mission is to kill sexy looking moms and all their babys and kids of all ages because they hate them says Sydney, and her friends to the murders with her, and her sisters and mom she says in the reading and her older sister does hard core porn with their mom with black men they took away by their secret force and the porns they do are in 9 houses they bought around Parks in Studio City and other Parks in the San Fernando Valley and mostly that park and Sherman Oaks and her sister is around 30 and her younger sister is 17 or 18, and she says they did hard core porn in the Whipple Woods houses and thats where her toe head friend around 28 or 29 molested two year old sons on beds in Kiddy Porn Films, and they moved from those houses maybe not maybe so and keep babys under the houses in cages in pipes storm drains and this 29 year old thinks nothing of this, she says they are trained to do it to them because others on spy watch cam committees name sexy looking moms bad persons when they are not bad, they just hate the body they were born with seen in shower spy cams and smoke detectors etc and exploit people with peeping tom and vote if they are sexy looking thumbs up then they go down to off by forcing orgasms on the moms and all their babys and kids til they are dead, and she says thats the mission its to kill off sexy looking moms they hate and all their babys and kids, and they go by a chart that says huge nipples slim hips good rump and a hour glass shape its not, its slim hips with good rear ends and they hate moms with large clitos and any size in dark thick pubic hair that this hypocrite has as shes half African American, and probably has black pubic hair but shaves it off so her vagina looks like a child as she does short porns in cars parked gang stalking, and her younger sister is white she says, and so no one knows that four of them are related, and she is with her friends peers she grew up with named Meghans Jennas, and Lil Lisa, around 30 years old, and she says they do this to the ones they hate they bug people and see who talks about them to themselves in the car or in prayers, just talkin outloud gets them on the list as its Hate Crimes and Revenge they murder people to get even is they said a bad word about them, and thats how they decide its by if they do not like people, and say they do not trust them to confide in them they have a bad feeling about them, or say they are not their type to be friends with such as because they are catty gossip back stab cause drama are immature trouble makers, and they hate people who do not like them, who set boudaries detach from do not want to be close to them by bad feelings and they go by AA Inventorys they bug people reading them and God box prayers, as they are satan mass murdering people with hatred in cold blood, and say the Nordstroms play clothes go to their apartment always to Kind Sydney and the two Jennas wear them who are under 5 feet tall and act like kids to kidnap babys tots kids to eat them out, as they are addicted to doing meth and murdering people by oral sex torture, and she says too bad they do not know the streets they live on in 5 apartment buidlings and shes with Kate 22 or 23 from Newbury Park Sycamore Homes often and she has brown straight hair is white, and average height and no one suspects them because they act like a bunch of kids, and say they are from the burbs, and their apartments are covered with dry leaves to cover trash cans they put dead kids in that they murdered in cold blood with their satanic serial killer teeth, and she says no one could believe they kill 199 kids a week or day and babys tots moms sons too and teens the men do, and some are dead child trafficked on dry ice in crate and barrel tins boxes leaf boxes from home depot and they throw the victims they murdered in trash bags zip tie them and 5 toss the dead victims in the dumpster and in trash cans with lids are babys tots for dead child traffick and for the dead body dumping ground next to the Studios driveway across from Forest Lawn on Forest Lawn Drive and they say thats their new age hollocaust dumping ground pit with skeleton remains, of sexy moms they hated and their babys tots kids and infant new borns 1 hour old are put there after they kill them under the freeway at 9 am after a sit down breakfast at a 24 hour coffee shop, and they throw the infants they murdered in dumpsters by the freeway exit or entrance, and then they take them away and they kill them in suburbans in the 9 houses garages around parks, and throw bloody gyno chairs they killed people in on Forest Lawn Drive also and on hills and everywhere, and no one can believe they mass murder under everyones noses in satanic cult who are brain washed to think if a mom orgasms and has a large clitorus and dark thick pubic hair then they are serpants when they are the roman Biblical body good people and Syd and the killers are the serpents obviously as they murder infants 1 hour old and less and 10 months olds they have been molesting for weeks or days in a room by their hacker room and now they are killing the 10 months olds in their apartments says God as they are the biggest satanic evil mean Serpents and Jesus says they are on a street that means a water view, a spanish name street 48 of these bounin around suburb giddy girl killers are there conning our good man Bob